Leggi le valutazioni ottenute dai miei progetti

Come europrogettista, con un impegno di 3-4 mesi all’anno (nel resto del tempo facevo altro), ho ottenuto per i miei clienti finanziamenti per circa 10 milioni di euro, grazie a 41 progetti approvati e 19 partenariati in progetti approvati.

Le dossier est de qualité, toutes les questions sont complétées avec exactitude, ce qui dénote une maîtrise certaine en montage de projet (2017-1-FR02-KA205-012483, submitted in France, 2017).

Ce projet laisse une impression de professionnalisme. Il a été minutieusement préparé. La candidature est prometteuse et excellente à tous égards (2015-1-FR01-KA204-015334, submitted in France, 2015).

The Work Programme is exemplary. (…) Each Work Package and deliverable is clearly linked to achieving the objectives of the project. Tasks and activities have quantifiable targets and timescales attached to them to allow accurate monitoring of project progress and success. Staff days relating to each task have been fully explained and justified. The project makes good use of existing tools and standards [to be used for management]. The list of deliverables is provided. Communication among partners and reporting procedures are clear. Overall the work programme is balanced, clear and appropriate to achieve the defined outcomes. (…) The budget has been planned in detail and is well-presented. Each line of expenditure or staff cost is clearly traceable to an activity or deliverable, and justified in the work programme. There is a fair distribution of tasks and budget between partners. Costs for staffing, travel and subsistence, sub-contracting and other direct costs are clearly identifiable and do not appear to be over- or underestimated (543248-LLP-1-2013-l-IT-KA2-KA2MP, submitted in Bruxelles, 2013).

La proposta dimostra una chiara e robusta connessione con gli obiettivi del programma e le politiche europee. La scelta delle priorità è bene argomentata, coerente con l’azione, l’ambito selezionato e con gli obiettivi del progetto. L’analisi di scenario ben descritta, l’individuazione dei fabbisogni formativi e professionali del target primario e secondario nel settore di riferimento è supportata da opportuni dati e fonti di rilevanza europea, a livello nazionale e dei paesi partner. (…) La componente innovativa ben descritta, anche in termini di complementarietà ha precedenti esperienze. Il piano di lavoro ha presentato in modo chiaro e realistico. Le attività proposte sono adeguate funzionali a raggiungere gli obiettivi individuati; gli output intellettuali sono coerenti con gli obiettivi e risultati attesi. (…) Le azioni descritte per la fase di preparazione sono adatti a garantire un corretto allineamento del partenariato nella fase di avvio; la proposta prevede opportune attività istrumenti the project management, monitoraggio della qualità, modalità di comunicazione collaborazione fra i partner e con gli stakeholders, inseriti in una strategia operativa che indica fasi ruoli eccetera. Il budget e complessivamente equilibrate funzionale raggiungimento degli obiettivi del progetto. (…) È ben argomentato il valore aggiunto europeo. I metodi di coordinamento di iscritti, i mezzi di comunicazione sono inseriti in una chiara strategia di gestione e sono adeguate garantire una buona costante cooperazione fra le operazioni partecipanti. (…) Le azioni descritte e i risultati attesi consentono di ottenere l’impatto descritto sulle strutture partecipanti, sul loro staff sul target individuato, sia nel corso del progetto sia dopo la sua conclusione. La proposta identifica i potenziali stakeholders a livello locale, regionale, nazionale e presente requisiti necessari a generare l’impatto descritto a ciascuno di questi livelli. (…) Il progetto si colloca in una prospettiva che va oltre la durata dei finanziamenti è presente requisiti necessari a garantire che la sostenibilità sia realistica. I risultati degli output e si prestano ad essere integrati nella quotidiana attività delle strutture partner (2015-1-IT01-KA202-004621, submitted in Italy, 2015).

Le projet est très clair, précis, bien structuré et reprend harmonieusement toutes les phases de la démarche de projet avec une grande précision. (…) Les relations établies entre les objectifs et les activités sont cohérentes et très intéressantes. La méthodologie de travail et le séquençage des activités sont judicieux. (…) La coordination et les modalités de gestion de projet sont définies et adaptées. Le plan de dissémination est également de qualité et les impacts visés sont à la fois intéressants et réalistes. Les résultats du projet, présentés longuement, sont clairs, tangibles et chiffrés pour les domaines quantifiables (2014-1-FR01-KA204-008537, submitted in France 2014).

The application includes a thorough valorisation plan setting out the activities for the promotion of the results through regular (…) and on-line dissemination activities (…) promotion of the project to key associations and networks in the field of (…) and culture and stakeholders. The involvement of beneficiaries is well planned during the exploitation phase as well as the consultation of stakeholders and associated partners. The valorisation strategy demonstrates the potential for spreading the results beyond the consortium institutions. Concrete measures are proposed for keeping the results sustainable (…). Both qualitative and quantitative indicators for measuring the impact of the project on the target groups are included. The proposal makes a concrete estimation on beneficiaries to be reached, during the implementation and beyond, through the exploitation activities and the tools to produce that will remain open also after project’s end (543384-LLP-1-2013-l-IT-KA2-KA2MP, submitted in Bruxelles, 2013).

Die Relevanz der Projektidee für die europäische Politik sowie für die Ziele und Prioritäten der Aktion ist hoch und die Bedürfnisse sind relevant für die Erwachsenenbildung. Die Ziele des Projektes sind klar definiert und der Inhalt des Antrages wird als sehr innovativ angesehen. Die geplanten Aufgaben sind sinnvoll, ausreichend und notwendig. Traduzione approssimativa: La rilevanza dell’idea progetto per la politica europea, così come gli obiettivi e le priorità dell’azione è alta e le esigenze sono rilevanti per gli adulti. Gli obiettivi del progetto sono chiaramente definiti e il contenuto è molto innovativo. Le attività pianificate sono utili, necessarie e sufficienti (2014-1-AT01-KA204-000973, submitted in Austria, 2014).

The methodology proposed for achieving the objectives is well prepared and convincing. There is an adequate and clear scheduling of activities including management, quality assurance, internal and external evaluation (…). The work programme includes appropriate outputs and milestones to allow project progress to be monitored. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the six partners is very even (…). All in all, the description of work programme is convincing and supports the impression that the objectives of the application will be achieved and that the co-operation during the project work will be efficient, balanced and transparent. (…) There is consistency between the work programme and the budget; all aspects of the budget are clearly related to justified activities in the work programme. The budget provides for adequate resources in terms of personnel, equipment and other costs necessary for success. The planned subcontracts are necessary for certain technical aspects of the project (evaluation, translation, web etc.). However, the consortium has incorrectly calculated travel costs with one single average price for all return journeys no matter who is travelling from where to where. All in all, though, the application demonstrates an efficient and effective use of resources to implement the project and value for money. (526330-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP, submitted in Bruxelles, 2012).

Die Zielgruppen sind klar dargestellt. Innovativer und europäischer Mehrwert sind ausreichend begründet. Das Arbeitsprogramm ist sorgfaltig ausgearbeitet, wenn auch die Beschreibung der Aktivitäten, der Rollen der Partner und des Arbeitsprozesses routinemäßig strukturiert erscheint. Traduzione approssimativa: I gruppi target sono chiaramente individuati. Innovatività e valore aggiunto europeo sono sufficientemente giustificate. Il programma di lavoro è attentamente elaborato, la descrizione dei ruoli dei partner e il processo di lavoro appare regolarmente strutturato (2014- 1-AT01-KA201-000977, submitted in Austria 2014).

The methodology proposed is fully in line with project objectives. The work programme is divided into eleven professionally planned and adequately scheduled work packages. The 30 month duration of the project is fully justified by the work plan, although there is a need to be more specific in terms of the time framework as to when the development stage has been completed. Milestones·and outcomes proposed are well justified and will contribute to efficient project monitoring. Co-operation among partners is clearly and efficiently planned. The project organisation has been kept simple with management and quality provisions of high professional standards. (…) Project target groups are clearly identified and the project includes an efficient strategy aimed at reaching and involving them in several key activities. An accurate table provides specific estimations of the project’s impact on its different target groups and at its mains steps. Qualitative impact in terms of contribution to the programme and call’s objectives is also clearly and convincingly stated. Specific activities are foreseen to ensure the project’s impact in the long run. (…) The application includes an extensive plan for diffusion in which sectors and end users and their needs are clearly identified. It makes use of all possible means (…) to make the project and its results known. The relevant dissemination and exploitation activities are grouped into corresponding work packages. Systematic dissemination and exploitation plans are also included among its main deliverables. The project’s valorisation strategy is adequately based on the early active involvement of a number of users and key stakeholders. Clear provisions are also made for ensuring that project results will be spread beyond the consortium and beyond the project’s lifespan. (…) Project target groups are clearly identified and the project includes an efficient strategy aimed at reaching and involving them in several key activities. An accurate table provides specific estimations of the project’s impact on its different target groups and at its mains steps. Qualitative impact in terms of contribution to the programme and call’s objectives is also clearly and convincingly stated. Specific activities are foreseen to ensure the project’s impact in the long run (539327-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-LEONARDO-LMP, submitted in Bruxelles, 2012).

The consortium is very strong as it consists of partners who have a lot of experience in working with students with learning needs, as well as good contacts with schools. It contains diverse types of institutions with different kinds of skills, that are complementary to achieving the end product. There is good balance between academic kow-how, practice as well as practitioners. Having a school as a partner would have enhanced the quality of the consortium. There is European added value in the proposal, both in that it intends to develop a European joint effort to tackle a problem which is common across Europe, as well as due to the e-leaming course which will be accessible across Europe. The issue addressed will benefit from a European-level approach, since there are competences in each country that may be used in a collaborative way. Linguistic and cultural issues will be adequately dealt with by translating and adapting the materials of the training course in the pat1ner languages. There is also a good geographic distribution of partners (526283-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-COMENIUS-CMP, submitted in Bruxelles, 2012).

The proposal fits well in the sectoral programme and addresses several of the general and specific objectives of the Leonardo da Vinci programme. The application falls within the scope of the sectoral programme under which it has been submitted. Objectives and results are clearly described and realistic. The objective addresses priority 1 (…). Problems and challenges are addressed by the application. Concerning the needs the application gives a description of how these have been identified, in which all partners have been involved, examining the situation in each country. The situation is somewhat different between the partner countries but they all have identified a common need for the results sought to develop the project. (…) The methodology of the proposal is reported in detail and shows a clear process to achieve the expected objectives and results. There is also an adequate scheduling of activities to achieve the results proposed. Process of co-operation as well as management rules are described in the Manual for Project Management. Appropriate milestones for monitoring of project progress have been defined The scheduling of activities follows a logical process and relevant milestones are presented showing the different steps in the project. The proposal also briefly describes how the project organizations contribute to that the different work package is kept together and where responsibilities by different partners are transparently viewing the various activities. There is a clear organization structure and all the partners have experience in managing European projects (…) (526817-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-LEONARDO-LMP, submittd in Bruxelles, 2012).

The application is clearly positioned in the specific, operational and broader objectives of the Grundtvig programme, LLP and the Call for Proposals, as well as the key activity under which it has been submitted. (…)The objectives and the expected results addressed by the application are clearly described, realistic and appropriate but concisely described. The problems addressed by the application are clearly described and the proposed solutions are appropriate. (..) The consortium (…) shows a good geographical distribution. The previous experiences of each partner in the consortium are clearly described and appropriate. All partners have experience of management and delivery of international projects, as well as links with adult education and work with migrant people in general; (…) The partnership includes also associate partners (…). The distribution of tasks among partners is appropriate and balanced, whilst the complementary skills and competences of partners are taken into consideration and there will be room for the diverse nature of activities and countries involved. (…) All activities in the work programme are justified and the budget is clearly related to them. Progress will be monitored with the help of regular financial reports. Specific backup scenarios are well foreseen in order to deal with uncertain dissemination costs (i.e., conference fees). The overall description of the budget and the cost effectiveness, as well as detailed explanations of expenditures and their justifications, are adequate (538406-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP, submitted in Bruxelles, 2013).

0n the whole, the budget and cost effectiveness is appropriate and the balance between budget and work plan is clear and transparent. The distribution of work days across partners has been done according to their tasks. All aspects of the budget are detailed, clear and relate to justified activities in the work programme. The cost ceilings have been followed and the consortium states the budget has been drawn up on the basis of real costs. The budget provides adequate resources necessary for implementation of the project. The applicants have planned several activities at the expense of the partners (e.g., translations). At the same time, planned individual partner reports are too long (20-30 pages) and should be shortened to 10 pages. Overall, the proposal includes suitable financial resources for the job to be done and shows good value for the money (538399-LLP- l-2013-1-DK-GRUNDTVIG-GMP, submitted in Bruxelles, 2013).

Etc. etc.

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